The Church Sound System Book

This book is a best seller on Church SoundSystems and Church Acoustics.
, ,

-----Original Message-----
From: Steverson, Darren []
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: Your Book

Hi Joe, I bought your book 9 months ago and loved it! I never really thought that church sound was so involved.Thanks for the insight.I worship in a small church Tinton Falls N.J.

----- Original Message -----
From: Louis Casey Jr <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 8:54 AM Subject:

Mr. De Buglio, I purchased your book back in March - great resource! I especially love how it "de-bunks" many of the myths people have about an effective sound reinforcement system. It's just the guide I need to "re-educate" some of our local "experts."

I sure appreciate your input and the information found on your bulletin boards. I also thank you for allowing purchaser's of your book to get e-mail "consulting" from you.

In Christ, Ray Casey
> From: Don Brooks 
> To:
> Subject: Why are Church Sound Systems & Acoustics so Confusing?
> Date: Monday, December 22, 1997 7:38 PM
> Joe... Good to hear from you via Curt's "Church Sound Check" discussion
> list.  Curt talks very highly of you and your organization.  I have
> known Curt for about 3 years now and have even written couple articles
> for his new "on- line" magazine.   Enough for the chit chat...
> At his last work shop I purchased your book....  I currently
> have the "Second Edition, Version 2.0."  
> I have enjoyed reading your book and have used its content many times
> (not violating any copy write laws, I assure you and being the full time
> Tech Director at a very large church, I clearly understand copy write
> laws). Anyway, just like any good tech, I want, and need (so I tell my
> boss) the latest and greatest and so it goes with your book.
> Have a great holiday and keep up the GREAT work in Canada.  By the way,
> yours was the first NET sight I found, so many years ago, that had
> anything to do with church sound.  My how times have changed....
> From: Richard Battle 
> To: Joe 
> Subject: Re: News group stat's
> Date: Sunday, December 21, 1997 1:05 AM
> Christmas Blessings Joe,
> Looks like the board is slowly
> growing. I made the mistake of lending my sound book that I had just got
> from you. I can't get it back from my mate!!
> .. anyway catch you soon
> Australia
> From: Doug K. Byron 
> To:
> Subject: Big Thank-you
> Date: Friday, December 19, 1997 1:00 PM
> Hi Joe:       
> Blessings on You!!!
> The website has been a big help.  We had our meeting last night and I
> wanted to thank you.  The responses we receive from the website gave
> creedence to what the sound guy and the video guy were saying.  We have
> to make lots of compromises in our building design and our seating
> requirement.  At least there was a general understanding of the
> priorities of these two departments as an adjunct to our worship of our
> creator. 
> Thank-you again. Judging from the questions I read on your site I am
> sure this forum is going to be a great source of help for all of us at
> our various levels of understanding, ability and financing.
> Merry Christmas 
> Doug Byron  Kelowna, B.C.

> From: jeff 
> To:
> Subject: just saying thanks
> Date: Saturday, December 13, 1997 12:23 AM
> Hi Joe , my name is Ericson Leblanc, and i am from the carribean. I have
> just finished studying your new book "WHY ARE CHURCH SOUND SYSTEMS SO
> CONFUSING" and i am still breathless. I studied sound reinforcement at
> the Institue Of Audio Research in New York, but really that only
> prepared me for secular music not for church sound systems. I should
> mention to you that since i got saved a few years ago, I have been doing
> quite a bit of contracting and installation work especially in
> Pentecostal churches.,with the hope that somebody would come along with
> the proper tools to help me along in doing something for the kingdom of
> GOD.Well thank you for doing just that. Your book has had a tremendous
> effect on me and my work and i can only wait to see what next you can
> give me. I already have most of DON DAVIS books, especially the really
> scientific ones such as Sound Reinforcement Engineering .Just to
> mentionI am installing a new sound system in a Pentecostal church here
> in Dominica, and I am baseing all my designs on the sytem that you
> installed for the church in Parry Sound, ONTARIO. when I am finished can i
> send you pictures? because i know that you would not be able to come
> down to my island. Please feel free to reply to me at
> would really be glad to hear from you.
> Thank you so much for such a great book. May God bless you richly.
> Your brother in JESUS CHRIST........ ERICSON LEBLANC
> E-MAIL...

> From: John Sinkiewicz 
> To:
> Cc: john p sinkiewicz 
> Subject: Speaker Selection
> Date: Thursday, October 09, 1997 6:42 PM
> Greetings,
> I have a copy of your book, Why Are Church Sound Systems and Church
> Acoustics So Confusing, it is great.  I am the Audio-Video director of my
> church, Rock Church of Killingworth, Connecticut (USA).
> Thanks 
> To:
> Subject: Brazilian Book Arrival and more. . .
> Date: Saturday, August 02, 1997 1:39 PM
> Joe
> Books just arrived this morning, Thank you. 
> I've just finished my first complete reading and want to digest some of
> the new ideas. Once I've read the second time I will be getting back to
> you with feedback (not the microphone type) and questions. Right know I
> feel I need to know more about what is involved in determining the
> central clusters "SWEET SPOT" other than the obvious loudspeakers'
> coverage pattern. 
> Thanks again
> Dave 

CLICK HERE to find out how you can order this book

To do a self evaluation of your church soundsystem & Acoustics

To View a secret introduction about the bookand a partial outline

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Church Sound Network
63 Lockerbie Avenue
Toronto, Ontario Canada M9N 3A3

We are currently shipping Second Edition-Version2.3

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Copyright (c) 1996-7 JdB Sound, AcousticLab.