A Church Profile
Trinity, St Andrews United Church
Trinity St. Andrews United Church - Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
- Church built in 1989
- City Population - 6,000
- Church seating capacity - 800 people
- Church height at peak - 52 feet
- Church width (average) 145 feet
- Church length (Average) 96 feet
- Total wall space was 14,460 square feet
- All walls were 5/8th drywall with 1/2 plaster added (The plaster - which was not needed - cost $140,000)
- Floors are concrete exposed under pews - Carpet in the Isles only - Alter area is Wood on concrete
- Major complaints - people not understand speech, music was always very muddy sounding.
Facts Before Acoustical treatment
- RT60 average 3.8 seconds
- RT60 at 125 hertz 4.5 seconds
- RT60 at 200 hertz 5.6 seconds
- RT60 at 2000 hertz 2.4 seconds
- Intelligibility Score -% loss - 21% (or 21 out of every 100 words not heard or misunderstood.)
- Typical Sunday attendance 400 people
Facts After Acoustical treatment
- RT60 average 1.8 seconds
- RT60 at 125 hertz 1.7 seconds
- RT60 at 200 hertz 2.01 seconds
- RT60 at 2000 hertz 1.6 seconds
- Intelligibility Score -% loss - 9% (or 9 out of every 100 words not heard or misunderstood.)
- Panels Used - PPD - 2 x 4 feet is size
- Number of units - 91
- Total Surface area Covered 728 square feet or 5.2% of the available wall space
- Panels were only mounted on the back wall
- Total Cost of the fix including installation $19,000.00 +tax
- Typical Sunday attendance 8 months after Acoustical Treatment - 2 services of 500 people
A few Picture of before the panels were installed
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Toronto, Ontario Canada M9N 3A3
PH. 416-248-9007
E-mail address is - jdbsound@echo-on.net
All images on this page are Copyright (c) 1996 JdB Sound, Acoustic Lab.
For Direct Assistance you can Contact Joseph De Buglio Direct