Churches without applied acoustics are the most hostile spaces for music and the spoken word. If there is a system that can tame any worship space, imagine what this system can do for non-church spaces where people gather for entertainment and education. We have developed such a system that has already been applied to over 400 churches. In every application of this acoustical system, the results were better than what was promised. If you need good acoustics that are almost flawless for every event, we can help you. We have mastered the balance between speech and music. Visit any of the churches listed if you need to be convinced of the claims we make. Go, listen, and be amazed.
If you need help in applying good sound to your worship space, send us an email or call us with the links below.
We will not tell you what you want to hear. Instead, we will tell you the truth of what you need to hear.
Acoustics is very predictable, and do not let anyone tell you differently. You don’t need to know anything about acoustics, but you should know what goals you want and what level of performance you expect from your worship space and sound system. Make your list and never compromise. Whoever you hire to help your church should be able to tell you after testing your room how well the acoustics and sound system will perform. Put those goals and performance targets into your contract.
Do Churches Really Buy 10 Sound Systems?
Delhi, Ontario, Canada
N4B 2H1
Helping Churches
around the world
For consulting
Toronto: +1-416-248-9007